Who We Are

About haf N haf Ministries


haf & haf ministries is the mission arm of the Albers Family Foundation, an Iowa 501 C 3 corporation founded in 2001 to provide financial help to individuals or families in crisis.


Mike Albers

After selling his business in 2007 Mike was moved by the Holy Spirit (ask him about that experience) to go on a short-term mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  He did not have any idea what to expect but discovered a world of wonderful people living in poverty but loving and praising God for the blessing He provided.

Since that first visit, Mike has participated in and lead over 10 short-term mission trips to the Dominican Republic and plans on leading more groups every 18 months. (See Schedule).

Steve Tyler

Steve is a retired Omaha Fire Fighter who never expected to participate in a mission trip…but has helped Mike with 5 trips so far.  Steve says that Mike does the planning and scheduling, and Steve keeps the troops moving.

You will come home from a short-term mission trip with a new outlook on life.